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If you’re on the lookout to hire the best injury attorneys in Brooklyn, there are several important factors to consider. This way, you know you found a qualified and experienced personal injury attorney who can represent your case effectively. There are a few key factors to consider when hiring a credible personal injury lawyer –

Is Licensed and Has a Bar Membership

License to Practice in New York – Make sure your attorney is licensed to practice in New York and is in good standing with the New York State Bar Association. You can check this via the New York State Unified Court System's website, which provides a searchable attorney directory.

Disciplinary Record – Check whether your attorney has any history of disciplinary actions. An attorney in good standing with the New York State Bar Association will not have significant disciplinary marks.

Has Prior Experience in Personal Injury Law

Specialization in Personal Injury Cases – It might help to look for an attorney who specializes in personal injury law rather than a general practitioner. Personal injury law covers a wide range of cases, including car accidents, medical malpractice, slip and falls, and workplace injuries.

Experience in Similar Cases – If your case is specific (e.g., a car accident, construction accident, or medical malpractice), look for an attorney who has handled similar cases. It also matters if they have a record of success with those particular types of personal injury claims.

Trial Experience – Many personal injury cases settle before going to trial. However, in case yours does not, it’s important to hire an attorney with experience in court and trial litigation.

Sound Knowledge of New York's Personal Injury Laws

Statutes of Limitation – The State of New York imposes strict statutes of limitation for personal injury cases. Generally, you have three years from the date of the injury to file a lawsuit. But this timeframe can vary depending on the specifics of the case (e.g., medical malpractice or claims against government entities).

No-Fault Insurance – New York is a no-fault insurance state for car accidents. An experienced personal injury attorney should be knowledgeable about navigating the no-fault insurance system. He or she should also know when you can step outside of no-fault to sue for pain and suffering.

Comparative Negligence Rules – New York follows a pure comparative negligence rule. This means the damages awarded to a plaintiff can be reduced by their percentage of fault. Your attorney should be skilled in arguing to minimize your liability and maximizing potential compensation.

Proven Track Record and Reputation

Client Reviews and Testimonials – Look for client reviews, testimonials, and case results to see what past clients say about your new attorney’s communication, dedication, and case outcomes. Websites like Avvo, Google Reviews, and Martindale-Hubbell can provide necessary insights.

Recognition in the Legal Community – Awards, recognitions, and peer reviews from accredited legal organizations (e.g., the American Association for Justice) can help gauge your attorney's reputation.

Settlements and Verdicts – Check for a proven record of obtaining favorable settlements and verdicts in personal injury cases – particularly those of significant value if your case involves serious injuries.

Uses A Fair Fee Structure

Contingency Fee Basis – Most personal injury attorneys in New York work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case. Typically, NY attorneys take 30-40% of the recovery amount. Make sure your attorney is clear about your fee structure and any additional costs (e.g., filing fees, expert witness fees etc.).

No Upfront Fees – A reputable personal injury attorney should not charge upfront fees. They should be willing to advance case-related expenses until you receive compensation.

Has Excellent Communication and Case Management

Accessibility and Responsiveness – You want a personal injury attorney who is responsive and communicates clearly about your case. Ask how often they will update you and who you will primarily interact with – whether it is the attorney themselves or their support staff.

Case Load – Ask your attorney about their current caseload. An attorney with too many cases may not have enough time to dedicate to your case, which could affect the outcome negatively.

Personalized Attention – Make sure your attorney is ready to offer personalized attention to your case rather than treating it as just another file.

Offers Free Initial Consultation

Initial Case Review – Most personal injury attorneys offer free initial consultations. Take advantage of these to assess your attorney’s approach – how they would handle your case, and whether you feel comfortable working with them.

A Good Understanding of Local Courts

Familiarity with Brooklyn Courts and Judges – An attorney who is familiar with the local Brooklyn court system and judges can be an advantage to your case. This knowledge may help in anticipating procedural matters and roadblocks. It can also help you understand how local judges and juries typically view personal injury cases.

Settlement vs. Trial Strategy

Settlement Expertise – While many personal injury cases settle out of court, it’s important to make sure your attorney is skilled in negotiating settlements to get you fair compensation.

Willingness to Go to Trial (If Necessary) – Not every attorney is eager to take a case to trial, even when it's necessary. Make sure your attorney is not afraid of going to court, before hiring them, in case the insurance company offers a low settlement.

A Healthy Client-Attorney Relationship

Professionalism and Trust – Ultimately, your direct professional relationship with the attorney is crucial. You should feel comfortable discussing all aspects of your case with them and trust that they will represent your best interests.

If you want to hire the best personal injury attorney in Brooklyn, look for one who is licensed and experienced in New York personal injury law. Make sure he or she has a strong track record of success, and communicates clearly. They should offer a free initial consultation and work on a contingency fee basis. Knowledge of the local court system, a deep understanding of New York’s statutes of limitation, no-fault insurance laws, and comparative negligence rules will also be critical to securing a successful outcome for your personal injury case in Brooklyn.

Taking the time to research and meet with attorneys will help you hire someone who is the best fit for your case. To meet the best personal injury lawyers Brooklyn has to offer, contact Gabriel Law right now. We’ll make sure you pay only if you win.

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