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(212) 497-2421
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Experienced New York Wrongful Death Lawyer

Seeking Justice for Wrongful Death Cases in New York

In the case of a tragic loss of a loved one due to someone else's carelessness or fault, coping with the legal consequences can be pretty daunting. This is where legal support is much needed. While we at our law firm in New York speak up for the deceased and their families through wrongful death claims, we also offer compassionate guidance and uncompromising representation until justice is served.

marca de verificación
Compassionate support, fierce representation.
marca de verificación
Maximize the compensation you're entitled to.
marca de verificación
Sin honorarios a menos que ganemos para usted.

Se Hablamos Español. Мы говорим по русски. 우리는 한국어를 해요.

Supporting Families Through Wrongful Death Cases

To see a beloved, through the fault of another, realizing that the family cannot possibly go through this is the most devastating experience no one should ever experience. At Gabriel Law, being aware of the undulating effects of wrongful death cases on families, our mission is to stand by them in the face of this overwhelming situation. Compassionate, wrongful death lawyers in Brooklyn, NY, with more than three decades of experience aiding families in their most difficult times, understand the complexity of these cases.

Nuestros resultados

Hemos conseguido millones para nuestros clientes. Ya sea negociando un acuerdo o luchando duro en los tribunales, estamos en cada paso del camino. Su victoria es nuestra victoria.

icono de resultado


Un conductor se fractura la tibia y el peroné en un accidente de tráfico

icono de resultado


Un conductor sufre graves lesiones en la espalda en un accidente de tráfico

icono de resultado


El pasajero de un accidente de tráfico sufre lesiones en la espalda, las rodillas y los hombros

icono de resultado


Un peatón sufre lesiones en la espalda y los pies tras ser atropellado por un vehículo

icono de resultado


Un trabajador de la construcción se lesiona la espalda y el cuello en un accidente laboral

Our Commitment to Holding Negligence Accountable

At Gabriel Law, we stand as unwavering advocates, passionately fighting to hold those responsible for wrongful deaths accountable for their actions. With our extensive experience and steadfast commitment, we tirelessly pursue justice for your loved one and your grieving family.

¿Por qué elegirnos? Usted se merece lo mejor.

Experiencia para ganar casos

Un conductor se fractura la tibia y el peroné en un accidente de tráfico


Atención personalizada en cada paso

No eres sólo un número de caso. Estamos contigo hasta el final.


Sin costes iniciales, sin preocupaciones

No nos pagas a menos que ganemos. Así de sencillo.


Comunicación rápida y eficaz

¿Preguntas? Aquí estamos. Siempre sabrá en qué punto se encuentra su caso.


La representación legal adecuada es importante

Gracias por su consulta. Nuestro equipo se pondrá en contacto con usted en breve.

Si necesita asistencia inmediata, llámenos al (212) 497-2421.
¡Uy! Algo ha ido mal al enviar el formulario.

Securing Fair Compensation for Your Loss: Advocating for Justice

As a caring and skilled Brooklyn and Bronx wrongful death attorney, Gabriel Law comprehends how devastating an incident that caused the death of someone's loved one due to someone else's negligence is. We practice empathy, which consists of consistent reassurance as you go through this trying time with guidance via the legal process with empowerment.

Estamos reconocidos por
Personas reales, victorias reales

Compassionate Advocacy in Your Time of Need

In times of distress, nothing is more important than worry-free from the burden of money. The model of our firm at the Gabriel Law is based on the "no win, no fee" principle, which means that you won't need to fund the case unless you prevail and reach a reasonable settlement. This dedication does not result from our average confidence that our fight to uphold justice for your departed will be fruitful. Let us fight at your side, and while you're grieving and healing, we're ruthlessly defending your family's rights.

Luchamos por su tranquilidad.

En la búsqueda implacable de la justicia, luchamos incansablemente para asegurar su tranquilidad, asegurando que pueda centrarse en la curación mientras luchamos por la compensación que se merece.

Our Commitment to Your Family

At Gabriel Law Firm, we appreciate very well that a wrongful death case is not just a legal issue; it’s a profound personal tragedy in the life of your family. That's why we treat each case with much empathy, as your family’s fate could happen to anyone. We carefully listen to your problems, create a support system, and utilize our persistence to the maximum to make sure that your loved one's memory is not forgotten as we advocate for justice.

Cómo funciona

Su camino hacia la compensación, simplificado


Póngase en contacto con nosotros

Rellene un formulario o llámenos. Es rápido, fácil y gratuito.


Construimos su caso ganador

Reunir pruebas y preparar argumentos. Nos encargamos de todo.


Usted cobra, juntos ganamos

Acuerdo o juicio, aspiramos a la máxima indemnización

Securing Justice for Your Loved One: Contact Gabriel Law Today

The last thing you want to do is to wait for the justice you are owed. Contact Gabriel Law today for a free consultation. The private attorney-client communications remain strictly confidential. Our caring people are ready to hear your story, offer expert legal advice to you, and never let you end this struggle in honor of your loved one's death. Together, we’ll go through the legal issues of your case and fight for justice for your departed loved one.

Preguntas frecuentes

Se le puede acabar el tiempo para ser compensado por su reclamación. Llámenos ahora para una consulta 100% GRATUITA y sin compromiso.

Consulta gratuita

Gracias por su consulta. Nuestro equipo se pondrá en contacto con usted en breve.

Si necesita asistencia inmediata, llámenos al (212) 497-2421.
¡Uy! Algo ha ido mal al enviar el formulario.