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Are You Looking for a New York City Accident Lawyer? Don’t Let the Costs Scare You

#автомобильная авария

By all means, hiring an accident lawyer and paying legal fees is not an exciting prospect for an accident victim who is already facing medical bills and other expenses. And yet, most individuals hire accident lawyers in NYC to handle their cases since it’s the smartest way to get the maximum compensation they deserve. If you are hesitating to hire an accident attorney due to the costs involved, let’s break down the common fee structures and additional expenses that come with getting legal help from a New York City accident lawyer.

What is the Contingency Fee Basis?

Most personal injury attorneys in NYC operate on a contingency fee basis. This means that their payment is contingent upon winning your case. Therefore, if your accident lawyer does not secure a settlement or win at court, you don’t owe them any attorney fees. As accident victims cannot afford upfront costs, the contingency fee method is beneficial to them, and it also vouches for an accident lawyer’s confidence in winning your case.

Standard Contingency Fees in NYC

In New York, the standard contingency fee ranges from 33% to 40% of the recovered amount. For instance, if you receive a $100,000 settlement and your NYC accident attorney's fee is 33%, they would receive $33,000, leaving you with $67,000. The exact percentage can vary based on factors such as the accident case's complexity and whether it goes to trial.

What are the Additional Costs of Hiring a New York City Accident Lawyer?

Beyond the contingency fee, you need to consider the following expenses when you get legal help from a New York City accident lawyer:

  • Court Filing Fees: Costs associated with submitting legal documents to the court.
  • Expert Witness Fees: Payments for specialists like accident reconstruction specialists and doctors who provide testimony to support your case.
  • Investigation Costs: Expenses related to gathering evidence, such as hiring investigators or obtaining records.
  • Administrative Fees: Charges for services like photocopying, postage, and other office-related expenses.

Discuss these additional costs directly with your accident attorney in New York City before hiring them. Some accident lawyers cover these expenses upfront and deduct them from your settlement whereas others would request payments as the need arises.

Should You Negotiate Fees with the Accident Lawyer?

Getting a clear idea on the fee structure followed by your accident lawyer is essential to make sure that you are making the right investment in New York City. Remember that NYC has an abundance of accident lawyers who claim to be the best and justify their high rates.

Calculate your potential net recovery by considering both the contingency fee and additional expenses. If you feel like the net recovery does not meet your expectations, make sure that you negotiate the contingency fee with your accident lawyer NYC. You can bring up pointers such as the strength of your case, its complexity, and the estimated timeline.

Get Affordable and Trustworthy Legal Representation

If you are looking for experienced legal representation in New York City, choose accident attorneys who are transparent and committed to securing the maximum compensation you deserve. The legal team at Gabriel Law is here to listen to your needs and handle your case with care. Get in touch with a skilled New York City accident lawyer from our team today and take advantage of a free consultation to see if we are the right fit for you.

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